MaxRun 35+5 mfd 370 or 440 Volt Dual Capacitor
This Capacitor is rated for 440 Volts which means it will work at 370 or 440 VAC. A dual run capacitor, such as this 35/5, combines two capacitors into one unit. It will power a compressor motor and a fan motor, and has three terminals on the top. They are labeled “Herm” for the compressor motor, “Fan” for the fan, and “C” for the common line.
The capacitor is 2.3″ in diameter by 4.0″ in height and will run from -40 C. to +70 C. It is safety rated at 10,000 AFC.
Run Capacitors work hand in hand with Electric Motors that power the compressors and condensers that make air conditioning work. For this purpose, the Capacitor works the same way as a battery. It stores and releases a large charge very quickly. This released charge gives the motor the spin it needs to start and run correctly.
As Air Conditioning Capacitors age, they lose their ability to hold a charge and get weaker.
As the capacitor gets older, the motor may get louder and seem to run slower. If replaced before they get weaker, its possible to lengthen the life of the motor. Eventually, the capacitor will get too weak to start the motor and if the motor can’t start, it can short out. Timely replacement of the capacitor is essential to Air Conditioning Maintenance.
When replacing a capacitor always be sure to turn off the power to the air conditioning unit and place a screw driver between the terminals of the capacitor to release any stored charge. MaxRun Capacitors are designed to be the correct fit, but it’s best to measure the height and width of the capacitor to double check that the replacement unit matches the original. We also recommend keeping a spare so you have one handy when it’s needed.

UPC: 866822000426
Part Number: 35+5 MFD 370 or 440 VAC
Model Number MR-35/5/440-R